God’s people gather. Notice that this is not a question: God’s people gather? Nor is it a command: God’s people
gather! It is simply a statement of fact: God’s people gather. This is just what they do. God’s people gather, and
when they do, it is a place like no other. We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings as we gather for Worship in
God’s Word.
God’s people gather. Notice that this is not a question: God’s people gather? Nor is it a command: God’s people
gather! It is simply a statement of fact: God’s people gather. This is just what they do. God’s people gather, and
when they do, it is a place like no other. We invite you to join us on Sunday mornings as we gather for Worship in
God’s Word.
Service Times
Sunday’s at 10:30am
Sunday School for all ages at 9:15 am
2526 Whitfield Road
Clarksville, TN 37040

Where to park
adjacent to 101st. Airborne Division Parkway.
Where to enter the Building
door which will be opened to allow our greeters to meet you as you enter.
I'm New
Once you enter the building, you will be welcomed by one of our friendly greeters who will introduce themselves to you, hand you a service folder, and direct you to our Sanctuary.
very familiar to you. If you have not, we try to do all we can to make our service clear and easy to follow through
our printed service folder. We invite you to join us in praising God through hymns, songs and prayers throughout
the duration of the service accompanied by one of our congregation’s musicians. Our pastor will give a sermon
explaining one of the scripture lessons found in the service folder. Worship is dismissed with the blessing and
guests and members are invited for refreshments and fellowship in our Fellowship Hall.
Where do my children go? Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these” Matthew 19:14. Families are encouraged to worship together at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church. During the sermon portion of the service, parents may choose to take their children (ages 2-5) to Children’s Church. They will hear a Bible story, and sing songs. They will return to their families in the Sanctuary during the offering. If your child becomes restless during the service, that’s okay…We’re glad they’re here, and Jesus is pleased when they are brought to hear his Word. The service can also be heard in various parts of the building through our speaker system.
Sunday School Both adult and children’s Sunday School is offered on Sunday mornings at 9:15 am. Children ages 3 years and up meet in the preschool classrooms and Adults meet in the Fellowship Hall.

who we are
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is affiliated with of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). Our church has been in Clarksville since 2000. We have been worshipping at our current facility since 2006. We are a young congregation with a real variety of people who worship here. We are a Biblical church giving God’s word first place in our faith and life. We are a Lutheran church that proclaims forgiveness for all through Jesus Christ. We are a Christian church that gathers to praise God, to be strengthened by his word, and to reach out to those around us in Christian love.
Other FAQ’s
Who should I talk to?
For information about our Worship service, Sunday School, or other ministries while visiting, please speak with one of our friendly greeters, or our Pastor.